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We found the lair from Marvin's last transmission. There must be some clues here to find out more about what happened. What the hell is with all those eggs?
00:00 / 01:04
00:00 / 01:04
00:00 / 01:04
Looks like there
was a struggle here. A bot arm is stuck in the screen.
purple - green- purple - green. I bet its a 4 digit code we need.
Pizza looks
fresh. Is there
someone here?
There must be a way to open this.
Maybe that input console.
YES! Marvin was here. I made sure SIR finds out about his treachery. After that It was all a blur. There was a fight and some portals.
Oh yeah that hand over there. That is all that is left of your friend Marvin.
I know nothing more! LEAVE ME BE!
Take the hand
to the lab
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